Patricia Zazueta » Introduction


Hello Awesome Students and Families!
Welcome to Sierra Vista High School, home of the Spartans! My name is Mrs. Zazueta. This is my 20th year teaching in the Whittier Union High School District. I began my teaching career by teaching one year at Adult School, then four years at Whittier High School, and I am now starting my fifteenth year at Sierra! Wow! Time flies by! I love teaching and working with youth and am truly honored to be your teacher. Let's make this a great year! Everything worth it takes hard work, so let's all be ready to do our part! It will be worth it.  
Looking forward to a great year!
Contact Mrs. Zazueta
Phone number:
Remind Text Messaging:
text @zazueta123
to 81010
Google Classroom:
Check your school email for a link to join.