Students » Testing Center Guidelines

Testing Center Guidelines

Sierra Vista High School

Testing Center Guidelines





Tests Offered in the Testing Center:


Cyber High Course Tests

APEX Tests

Curriculum Packet Exams

Common Assessments (District Tests)




Teacher/student must request a test from Testing Center Staff (Rachel Alva)

Students must take all tests in the Testing Center

Phones are not allowed in the Testing Center 

If a teacher requests that a student take a test outside of the Testing Center

Teacher must make request to Rachel Alva or Testing Center Staff

Teacher must pick up the test from the Testing Center

Tests will not be given to students to take to the teacher’s class

Teacher should supervise the test (not tutors)

Teacher must return the test to the Testing Center Staff

Students cannot return tests to the Testing Center

(Tests returned to Testing Center by students will not be valid. Students will

 need to retake the test)

Testing Center staff will provide a time stamp on tests for teachers to review

There will be a list of tests that are acceptable as “Open Book” or notes

Teachers or departments will create this list 

        Individual teachers should not deviate from the list unless it is for a specific   

           student accommodation and approved by administrator

Tutors cannot administer tests 

Exception will only be made if approved by administrator

If a student needs tutoring to help pass a test, the test should be put away and tutoring session should occur before the next test




     -- Phones are not to be used or visible while testing.

     -- If the student has a backpack, they may put their phone away while testing.

     -- If a phone is taken out while testing, the Testing Center Staff will collect the phone until testing is completed.

     -- Students without backpacks will need to turn in their phones to Testing Center Staff.

     -- Phones will be returned to students when testing is completed.

     -- Students should make all necessary phone calls and texts before entering the Testing       


     -- Parents needing to reach their student who is testing, should contact the SVHS office

         at (562) 698-8121, ext. 1330